about me & the blog!

I am hungry, but I’m not cold.
I’m starving, but the suit keeps me warm,
and the light hits me full in the face
as I assume my new and dreadful form.

Emerging by John Darniellie & John Vanderslice

I’m an analogue guy in a digital world. I’m a graduate of graphic design and fine art who loves all sorts of visual media and methods of story-telling! I’m particularly fond of illustration and animation!

As this used to be my personal student blog, you can find records of my first year of my graphic design studies archived here, and you can find the second year’s entries here.

I intend to make posts on illustration, advertising, general graphic design, and the creatives behind said works. For now, this blog is more-or-less a place to send out thoughts, hone my analytical skills, and writing abilities.

Blog posts will be erratic due to the circumstances in which we are in! I’m keeping up the blog to ground myself.

TLDR; This is where I’m gonna post my thoughts on nice pictures.

Thanks for taking the time to look!! Have a great day!!! 彡* ੈ✩‧₊˚☆