Good-Bye Winter – Hello Spring!!

No matter what, time marches on, huh? It’s already spring! I’m very happy about that, though. A change of season is exactly what I need.

I said a while back that I’d practice raster illustration – digital painting – and… I’ve not yet done that. Some time last year I did invest in Clip Studio Paint. Unfamiliar programs are always intimidating, not unlike new mediums, and since I’m in no rush to familiarise myself with the program, I’ve only drawn a little in it. I really should have made it a New Year’s goal to work in it and understand the interface and tools.

While it was still the cold and rainy winter, I made a vector illustration of a little ermine in the powder snow. You might not tell if I wasn’t to say, but each snowflake here is unique. I would like to print these next winter on cards, mayhaps.

I dug into an older illustration that I’d used for risograph printing, because I still liked the full-colour image and I made a mock birthday card illustration out of it. I still have a lot to learn typography-wise, but it’s good practice. I want to make new purposely made illustrations for occasion cards.

With the weather brightening up, and even heating up, I’ll have more drive and energy to make!

4 thoughts on “Good-Bye Winter – Hello Spring!!

  1. alisoninwonderment

    Wow, what lovely designs..i would love to have them to send. Your Ermine looks so lithe and soft..his snowflakes are dreamy delicate..please make these available.. in face what a fabulous motif design for a winter hoody from it would make!!

    Your marvellous circus horse looks strong and embodiment of positivity, which we all need at times. Horses represent strength..and i think making the cards would be conveys everything good you’d wish for someone on their says ” many happy returns of the day” in a picture..strength and good health and celebration as he stands triumphant on his hind legs..( or whatever they’re called in horse anatomy). His clever control , his circus celebratory trick..represents also, to me, the ability we all need at times to achieve a balancing act between all the noise of the arena of life..can you hear the crowds applause for this horse? Well, on a birthday sending cards can be as giving the recipient our applause for all they have achieved and overcome by that birthday, that past year..we are say ” well done” you clever horse, and here’s our best wishes for the coming’s a wish that you be as strong ,as agile, and as powerful as this horse. 🐎

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your comments, Alison!

      I agree, to reach your next birthday is always a big deal; the want to give someone “applause for all they have achieved and overcome by that birthday” is a lovely sentiment. Everyone is trying so hard, it really is important for one’s birth to be celebrated.

      In all honesty, I’d dig into an old horse illustration from waaaay back if I felt that I could finish it. For sure I’d like to illustrate other horses. I’ve been eyeing other creatures to caricature and stylise, so you can look forward to other pieces I’d like to print.

      Thank you again for your support and wishes. I do need to be as strong ,as agile, and as powerful as this horse to reach my goals.


  2. Karen McKay

    Imogen, I don’t think I have left you many comments but I’m feeling the need to say that you have done just an amazing job of capturing a nostalgic feeling with whimsy and crafted line and colour.
    I laid claim to a few of the copies of prints you sent our way and I will be framing them soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey there Karen, thanks so much for dropping by to tell me your thoughts. I’m glad.

      You know I’m very happy to hear that some of the prints will go to a good home. I learnt a lot during the printing process and would like to make more risograph work in the future.


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