Lunar New Year – Tiger!

I’ve been test printing work at home to see how my digital illustrations look in full-colour. I made a new tiger illustration, which just so happens to be the Lunar New Year animal of 2022.

As I want to experiment with digital painting, this may be the last vectored illustration I make for some time unless I invest in the programs for it. I’m exited to learn digital painting, however. I’ll have more freedom in regards to texture and line.

Some of my work has been saved as pdfs for future printing as postcards or greeting cards; I’m very happy with these motivational tiger! I also made a birthday tiger graphic (with alternate text).

I still have a lot to learn in regards to typography, but it’s fun to experiment with different typefaces, and learn as I go. I suppose when I make future greeting cards, I’ll be revising my understanding.

So.. until next time… go get ’em tiger!!

4 thoughts on “Lunar New Year – Tiger!

  1. alisoninwonderment

    It’s a groovy and gallant Tiger! Love his paw raised, is he playing with something we just can’t see, inviting a tussle, or just caught mid thought about to make a witty remark? His colours work, and you can feel the heat of his surroundings, perhaps fresh exotic spices on the breeze, or circus sawdust? He works very well and his voice i can imagine as being refined 🐅

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ciawatson

    I imagine the receiver of the birthday tiger variant was very, very lucky and happy. ❤ Wonderful illustration work! The photo you took is really professional and cool too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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