Risograph Printing – Circus Horse

I tore into an old Illustrator file and took it apart to experiment more in Risograph printing before winter break. I chose to revisit the circus horse that I vectored much earlier in the year. Separating the layers and simplifying the image was a little bit of a pain, since I made the original image with no intent to print it as a Risograph. But the outcome is something that I’m very happy with!

horse prints
Riso circus horse!!

I had planned for the illustration to use four inks, and I would have liked them to have been black, teal, red, and yellow. The yellow ink would have been used for detail on the blanket and to add texture to the background. However, I wasn’t happy with the results, so I cut that colour out all together. I think the three colours used here work together well.

The majority of the horses are printed on different coloured sugar paper. Some are printed on white card. I would like to look into printing the illustration on card of different colours in the future. I might even be able to include the fourth colour if I can tweak the original image enough, but I don’t consider it a necessity for the image to work anymore.

horse prints
Horses on different coloured papers

Thinking about it, I would like to try printing grey horses, with dappled fur either using black or teal for the detail. Really, there’s nothing stopping me from printing fluro pink horses other than my own sensibilities.

tiger prints
I tidied up the tiger assets I already had for a mini print

After cleaning up the tiger illustration I had practiced Riso prating with, I made the graphic into an A5 mini print and then printed the same image onto card to make B5 greeting cards. It’s just experimentation, but I’ve learned a lot thus far. I’d like to make some illustrations from scratch with the intent of printing them this way – it’ll streamline the whole process.

3 thoughts on “Risograph Printing – Circus Horse

  1. alisoninwonderment

    I love this Imogen, it really speaks..the whole feeling of the horse’s power and agility is intense in a very clear positive way. Are you going to sell these 🙂 ? I love the tiger’s almost ” who me?” expression too. As if he is thinking scratching his chin,somewhat interrupted in his thoughts…well, they say a picture paints a thousand words…those are a few thoughts your art inspired within me.
    Never stop, your art will be a joy forever!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey, thank you. It’s good to hear you’re interested in prints. I do plan to sell some works; prints and stationery. Though I can’t say when that’ll be at this point in time. I’m also happy that the horse is so well-liked.


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