Laser Wood Cut Kit – “Brilliant Bee”

Some time ago, I was given a laser wood cut kit of a bee. It’s from a small design studio in the UK (Gilbert13). I took a few phone photographs as I put it together. I thought the kit was too cute to neglect sharing the design!


The piece of laser-cut wood is 21 centimetres by 13.5 centimetres. The kit comes with colour instructions printed on thin, brown card.

The instructions are very easy to follow; they’re accompanied by picture aids, after all. One is supposed to use a sharpie, or perhaps some other black felt-tip pen to colour the body of the insect, but I didn’t have one and used some brown ink to stain the wood. The colour is less subtle in person.


Putting together the bee I thought about how simple and easy the steps were – how ‘accessible’ the kit is, really – and that’s good design! It makes me want to try out crafting something through the use of a laser cutter, too.

4 thoughts on “Laser Wood Cut Kit – “Brilliant Bee”

  1. alisoninwonderment

    That is so appealing,and i am very fond of Bees, you could perhaps create your own card,wood tin sculptures too? I am sure they would be successful!


    1. Yeah. Looking at the wooden bee, I have a good understanding of how the kit is put together. I do have access to a laser cutter, should I want to use one. It would be a fun project to make something with it sometime!


      1. alisoninwonderment

        Do try it, i am pretty sure it would be a success. I forsee 3D fantasy creatures and worldwide wildlife..with your own unique styling,especially beetles and dragonflies…


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