Book Illustration – Coralie Bickford-Smith

I picked up a picture book recently, so I want to share it here. I’ve missed visiting book shops and food halls this year just to see modern designs on full display (in their natural habitat… in competition with each other). The book I picked up is called The Song of the Tree, and it’s written and illustrated by Coralie Bickford-Smith.

I’ve seen Coralie Bickford-Smith’s designs at work on cloth-bound reprints of classic books in different stores before, but I was never interested in the gift-market classic literature reissues myself (I don’t seem to have a lot of family or friends who read physical books).

Cloth-bound children’s book by Coralie Bickford-Smith

I’ll share a few of the photographs of the book I took. Bear in mind that these are taken in natural winter light, and I feel in person, the colours are much more vibrant and deep.

The deceptively simple shapes that make up patterns, plants, and animals give the impression of Lino or wood-block printing. There’s a great balance of detail and negative space.


The use of text makes reading the story engaging. Some pages, you have to tilt the book to read.


On most pages you’re rewarded for looking closely at the illustration – you’ll see delicate little animals hidden about the foliage.

Anyone who appreciates storytelling though words and pictures – child or adult – can enjoy this book; it’s a decent length, about 50 pages long.

This image shows Coralie Bickford-Smith’s book illustration development

Some of the development work that goes into creation of Bickford-Smith’s books is recorded on her own website. In the above image you can see great understanding of editorial layout being put to use in a picture book’s layout.

I have other books on the shelf that I want to photograph and share here for those who may be interested. I’m also eyeing some new design-related publications to add to my small collection of creative books. I hope to share more soon.

When next you’re able to visit a brick and mortar book store (safely!) I’d recommend checking out the children’s section if it’s not somewhere you usually check out – you may even find some unexpected stimulation for your creations by flicking though some choice books.

4 thoughts on “Book Illustration – Coralie Bickford-Smith

    1. Ah yeah – this book is so pretty! I thought if I keep more picture books around it’d be nice to read and just look at them from time to time when I feel the need to be reinvigorated! I would love to illustrate something as image-heavy as this. Thanks for looking!!

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