NCL508 Feedback – “Perseverance, secret of all triumphs.”

Receiving my grades for the Digital Skills Application module today, I am pleased with the results; the general feedback. Dare I say, proud?? I set my goals high, and I achieved. But not without much determination and perseverance.

This module felt intimidating at first… Create food packaging with all of the essentials of a real product, when I’ve never actively thought about food packaging design essentials at all? I was worried that I wouldn’t engage with it adequately; wouldn’t immerse myself in research enough to create commercial-worthy… industry-standard, work.

The module was split into two bodies of work; a digital research sketchbook and a digital portfolio. I learned a lot while organising my research in Adobe InDesign. I improved some core digital skills when using Adobe Illustrator in creating many assets and making essential visuals.

The aims that I have been given are to:

  • Build confidence in decision-making (!)
  • Organisation and planning during final push of realisation
  • When essential, allocate the most time for final artworking

All of these aims are connected, actually. If I had organised my time better – spent less time fussing over options to take – then I would have had more time to work on the final packaging’s visual assets – the illustrations; the artworking.

So, my major regret was derived from my time management. I could have created more assets and thus made varied package designs (than just one solid one) if I had taken charge of decision-making. I’ve realised that I need to work on my bravery in decision-making; my bravery in general. If I face my fears head-on, I can move forward faster. In this case, faster is good.

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