Skills – Expectations & Reality

At some point, I’ll end up writing about the Digital Skills Application module in-depth; once I’ve some feedback. But I can already look on this module now and say with satisfaction that I have learned a lot.

During this module I’ve been met with some personal concerns. They have impeded progress somewhat.

One of the food package (for macaroni and cheese) presented as it would be for printing; with a cutter showing the net on top.

I always feel a level of frustration that the work that I produce doesn’t reach the level that I aim for. My skill level is always lower than needed for my desired outcome. I think, overall, I should be proud of myself and how far I’ve come in regards to digital artworking and using programs one entirely unfamiliar. I’ve made a food packaging box that’s convincing enough!

It may be strange to say so, (and maybe a bad sign) but I’m most pleased with the reverse of the package! I think the amount of information that was legally necessary to include aided me in deciding on the layout.

The back of the mac and cheese ready meal box.

Even from just glancing at the completed packaging net, one who knows what’s up can see the mistakes that I’ve made this time around. I will be sure to have a more coherent flow of assets when making such packaging in the future. Since I made each side of the box independently, the assets end jarringly at the edge of each side. I also learned a thing or five about scaling. I never drew these to scale! A big mistake.

One learns more from mistakes than getting things ‘right’ the first time. If everything went accordingly right off the bat, I wouldn’t be questioning myself so much; and actions or precautions I must take to avoid error might not stick. With all that’s gone on during this long module, I feel that I’m ready to move on and start a new one. A change is as good as a break.

One thought on “Skills – Expectations & Reality

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