Online tutorials – Spoon Graphics

I have always believed that information and techniques are to be shared among fellow peers. If one doesn’t share one’s knowledge, then the skills one posses alone will in time become lost; so there’s really nothing to gain from hoarding things to oneself.

I have a lot to learn about creating digital illustrations and graphic design through using both Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, and Spoon Graphics is a great resource to start creating core skills and study very practical techniques that can be applied to any number of projects. There’s a plethora of written tutorials, complete with all the visual aids one could need. There’s even video tutorials to run though – if that’s a preferred method of learning.

spoon graphics tutorial - love text
Text with applied effects from a shading tutorial.

That there are established designers out there who realise the importance of sharing their knowledge, and making said knowledge as accessible as possible, is a boon that is not to go ignored. As I come across more online and free resources, I will be sure to log and share them on this blog, in the hopes that they’ll be as of much use to any readers as they are to myself.

2 thoughts on “Online tutorials – Spoon Graphics

  1. Alison

    Always uplifting and enlightening Imogen, even thus far, you have enhanced my insight and educated me, and I look forward to the onward journey!


    1. Thank you, Alison. It’s great to hear that. Even if one has a small audience, that anyone can get something out of my writing and shared resources makes me happy. After all, this is a personal blog with contents that are quite niche!


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